
In this the year 2020, a small poem to make a record of the times - -


Christmas in the time of Covid


In the year of the virus, of lockdown, of pandemic and strife

In a year of counting the costs, of distance and trying to preserve life

We see now, as we head towards the year’s end

That not even Christmas may be able to make amends



We still wrap up against cold, we stock up and be merry

But to truly have good cheer this year – it will take more than sherry!

Oh Santa, he may still give gifts on Christmas Eve

But for the year 2020, can that offer reprieve?



This year has been one of Zoom calls, box sets and Boris’ briefings

Of staying in, no commutes and home-schooled teachings

Banana bread triumphs, or perhaps baking disasters!

When visors, sanitisers and bog roll were our masters



Now winter has hit, and hark – more misery hits our ears

Of never-ending restrictions, of so many tiers and growing fears

Still, the vaccine has come, we can still yet dare to hope

But as the year fades out, many struggle to cope



Yet the Yuletide remains, ever constant and present

We strive to ensure the festive season’s not unpleasant

Even though Covid’s made everything quite shit

Whilst Christmas is here, we can make the best of it



We remember folks we’ve lost, those who did unexpectedly fall

Their lives were taken so cruelly, we shall not forget them at all

These times make us depressed, down and alone; feeling we’ve lost the fight

Yet for those who remain with us, we hold onto them oh so tight



So yes, whilst you cannot keep Christmas how you might like

I hope there is time for you to be happy, before 2021 does strike

Though it’s been a hell of a year, I wish you happiness come what may

And while it might not feel normal, it’s still important to say

That though times are tough, out of the darkness I wish you light

And Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night…




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